
Celebrating Hobbies

Over the past few weeks we have had a lot of successful students in Room 8 who have earned an award for their commitment to their out of school activities.  A big congratulations to all of those students who do activities out of school!

Congratulations of Kaden-Taua for Player of the year in Rugby League

Congratulations to Josh for earning student of the month for karate 
Congratulations of Mitch for earning player of the year for Football

Room 8 is very proud of all of the achievements and efforts of all those who do activities out of school.

Amazing flying machines

In Room 8 we have been learning about flight. Over the last two weeks we have been using our knowledge about flight to create a flying machine that would carry an egg from the junior playground to the ground safely. We thought about all of the flying machines we had already made and combined the best of some of them to create our machines. Check out our designs!


Gymnastic Photos

Today Room 8 went to the school of Gym in Rangiora. We learnt how to jump on a trampoline, walk along a beam, swing around a bar and climb a wall. Check out some of our photos!