
Creative Dance

Rooms 7 and 8 have been learning about dance. In groups of 4 we had to create a dance that had different levels (high, medium, low) and we had to add movements including push and pull, twist, on, under, through and around.

We hope you enjoy our movie!


Air Resistance

On Thursday we learnt about air resistance and the effect it has on speed. Check out our video to see  what we found out!

Grandparents day

On Friday we had grandparents day! it was really great sharing our learning with our grandparents. As part of the special day we wrote character descriptions about one of our grandparents.

Science Alive

Last Monday Room 8 learnt about forces, we learnt that there are forces on the planet that help objects to move for example gravity keeps us on earth and air resistance helps an object to float depending on the area of the shape. Here are some of our photos: